Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum Re-Granting Scheme 2016
The project "Waste Management in the Eastern Partnership countries" obtained the trophy as the best refinancing project within the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Platform, Working Group 3.
In 2016, under the Eastern Partnership CSF Re-granting scheme, the Secretariat received 59 proposals, out of which 49 passed the eligibility criteria. Most of the eligible proposals were submitted within the priorities of Working Group 1 "Democracy, human rights, good governance and stability", Working Group 2 "Economic integration and convergence with EU policies and Working Group 4 "People contacts ". Selection has decided to grant funding for 18. The selected projects cover at least three countries in the Eastern Partnership.
National Energy Globe Award 2018
National Environmental Center is the national winner of the Energy Globe Award for the activities carried out within the project "Informing young people about climate change", financed by the "EcoContact" Association through the program "Forum on climate change in the Eastern Partnership region (CFE II)", carried out with the financial support of the European Union, Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) and the Red Cross of Austria, and co-financed by the US private foundation Ecocatalyst Foundation.
The project activities aimed to increase the level of information and awareness of the young generation regarding the effects of climate change on the water resources of the Republic of Moldova and the measures to adapt to them. The project had the following actions:
- Ecological expedition (approximately 9 days) in the sub-basin of the Răut river;
- Development and collectinon of an educational materials set on climate change and knowledge dissemination in schools throughout the country;
- Development of a number of eco-lessons on climate change;
- Interactive series on "Climate change".
In 2018, over 2000 participants from 180 countries applied for the Energy Globe Award. High level experts from the Energy Globe evaluation committee evaluated and selected the national winners.
The ENERGY GLOBE award was founded in 1999 by Austrian energy pioneer Wolfgang Neumann and is one of today's most prestigious environmental awards.
The purpose of the award is to present sustainable projects for a wide audience, because many of our environmental problems already have good and feasible solutions. Projects that conserve and protect our resources or the one that use renewable energy can participate.
From all over the world, approximately 800 projects and initiatives are submitted annually to compete for the award, which is presented as the National (country) ENERGY GLOBE Awards.