The Ciuhur sub-basin committee was constituted on November 04, 2015.
According to the Government Decision, no. 775 of October 4, 2013 "On the boundaries of the basin and sub-basin districts and the special maps in which they are determined", the Ciuhur river basin has the number 16.
According to the Regulation of the Ciuhur Sub-basin Committee, it is constituted for a period of 6 years, with a membership of 15 members, as follows:
- 2 nominated representatives of the District Councils:
- Edineț district council,
- Riscani District Council,
- 1 nominated representative of the rayon Inspectorate for the Environment Protection, related to the hydrographic sub-basin of the Ciuhur river, who are responsible for the water resources (Rîșcani Ecological Inspection)
- 1 nominated representative of the rayon Public Health Centers, nominated from the specialists responsible for the quality of the water and health resources and active in the hydrographic sub-basin of the Ciuhur river (Ocnița Public Health Center)
- 7 mayors elected from the localities in the hydrographic sub-basin of the Ciuhur river:
- Mayoralty of Cupcini,
- Mayoralty of Varatic,
- Mayoralty of Duruitoarea,
- Mayoralty of Parcova,
- Mayoralty of Bîrlădeni,
- Mayoralty of Stolniceni,
- Mayoralty of Ocnița.
- 1 elected representative of non-governmental organizations, public associations or environmental protection initiative groups, based in the basin of the Ciuhur river, designated by them:
- AO Izvorul cristalin.
Chairman of the Committee is the Edineț rayon council, vice-president - Râșcani rayon council, and the secretariat is fulfilled by the Izvorul cristalin AO.
The meetings of the Committee are held at least twice a year.
Regulation of the Sub-Basin Committee of Ciuhur
Minutes of committee meetings:
• PV 4.11.15.