The Răut sub-basin committee was established on October 14, 2016.
According to the Regulation of the Raut Sub-basin Committee, it is constituted for a period of 6 years, with a structure of 17 members, as follows:
a. 2 nominated representatives of the District Councils:
- - Rezina District Council
- - Drochia District Council
b. 1 nominated representative of the "Apele Moldovei" Agency
c. 1 nominated representative of the Inspectorate for Environmental Protection and the Environment Agency, related to the hydrographic sub-basin of the Răut river, who are responsible for the water resources (Balti Environmental Protection Inspectorate)
d. 1 nominated representative of the Regional and Municipal Public Health Centres, nominated from the specialists responsible for the quality of water and health resources and active in the hydrographic sub-basin of the Răut river (Floresti Public Health Center)
e. 8 mayors elected from the localities in the hydrographic sub-basin of the Răut river:
- - Balti mayoralty
- - Orhei mayoralty
- - Donduseni mayoralty
- - Telenesti mayoralty
- - The mayoralty of Căzănești commune, Telenesti district
- - The mayoralty of Vărvăreuca commune, Floresti district
- - Sofia mayoralty, Drochia district
- - The mayoralty of the village of Singureni, Râșcani district
f. 2 elected representatives of the water users from the river basin of the Răut river, legal persons, proposed and elected by the Committee, depending on the volume of water used, the demand for water and the impact of the activities or waste water discharged on the water resources:
- - "Apa-Canal Orhei" IM
- - "Apa-Canal Sîngerei" IM
g. 2 elected representatives of non-governmental organizations, public associations or environmental protection initiative groups, based in the basin of the Răut River, designated by them:
- - AO Caroma Nord
- - AO National Environmental Center.
The chair of the Committee is the mayoralty of Căzănești commune, Telenesti district, and the secretariat is fulfilled by the National Environmental Center.
The meetings of the Committee are held at least twice a year.
The legal framework for the functioning of the Committee constitutes the Water Law, no 272 of December 23, 2011, implemented on October 26, 2013, art.11, and the borders of the Răut hydrographic sub-basin are established by the Government Decision no. 775 of October 4, 2013 regarding the boundaries of the basin and sub-basin districts and the special maps in which they are determined. According to the legend in annex no.2 to the decision in question the surface of the sub-basin Raut, nominated under no. 20 constitutes 7782.94 km2.
The Răut Sub-Basin Committee is an advisory structure, independent in the exercise of the tasks established by the Regulation approved at the constitution meeting, empowered with competences to participate in the activities of efficient water resources management within the perimeter of the Răut river basin and under the conditions of the existing legal framework.
For the proper development of the competences it is necessary to know what the situation in the basin is, to highlight the priorities for solving the ecological problems created in the basin, as well as the planning of the committee's activity during the reference period. Obviously, under such conditions, there is also the need to develop a summary report on the ecological situation in each locality located in the sub-basin. Thus, in 2017, a Report was prepared on the socio-ecological situation in the sub-basin of the Răut river.
This activity involved, to a large extent, the rayon environmental authorities, partially the health authorities and the rayon councils.
Minutes of committee meetings:
- PV 14.10.16
- PV 20.12.16
- PV 14.07.17
- PV 14.12.17
- PV 12.07.2018
- PV 06.03.2019
- PV 23.12.2019